Saturday, January 30, 2010

I cant BELIEVE avenue is WALKING!

my sister kara and i went to dessert with a friend and when we came home we were playing with avenue and his cousin ryan. everyone told me "when they decide to walk, they just start walking". i didnt believe this, i thought it would probably take a couple days to all get put together... but tonight we were walking him between us and he just started taking steps!! we pulled out the camera and uncle cary got it all on video:) my favorite is that he pulls his shoulders up, puts his arms out, and tucks his chin in, he looks like a little frankenstein zombie lol. LOVE HIM! im a more than a little worried tho because now he is going to run EVERYWHERE!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

avenue on the east coast

some of these pictures are from our last trip to new hampshire...
here is ry and avenue
here he is cuddling with ayden

helping ayden play candy land

this was in the emergency room with aunt kara because he had double ear infection
not the way he look the night before when he was crying allllll night
not just one sucker, he needs two, one in either hand!!
the first video is playing peek a boo with aunt kara and cousin ry, the second is the cousins playing with a christmas toy```````

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Almost Walking

avenue's cousins have a thomas train and he LOVES to push it around trying to learn to walk

Manchester New Hampshire Museum

avenue went to the museum in manchester, new hampshire with his cousins. i love his hair in this picture.i thought he would be a little scared to crawl through this thing but he loved it.

i think he was trying to get milk...?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chucky Cheese!!

Avenue and mommy are visiting Kara and her family in new hampshire this week and we took the boys to chucky cheese! it was avenue's first time and he loved it, he wanted to touch EVERYTHING:)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

growing up

trying to read daddy's books
walking.... kind of
working at the fire station...:)
hes soo cute, love our little man!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

pictures of aVeNuE mIcHaEl

avenues first teeth, he started teething at 4 months! ahh i hate when they teeth and theres nothing you can do:( he handles it a lot better now and he has 6 teeth total today!
this is one of my favorite photos of all time of AVENUE!! he is laughing in his car seat, something that rarely happens lol. he has been crying in his car seat since he was born and hes almost 9 months! hmm maybe he'll outgrow it soon...
here he is at church! he likes church because theres so many people to see and talk to and what baby doesnt love attention?! i love this little tie we got for him, makes him look like such a man:) aaron likes to hold him and get him to sleep in sacrament. i have tried taking him to relief society a couple times but whenever i do he is SO loud!! lol he talks and talks, i swear he saves it up all week and as soon as it gets quiet he just lets it all go:) he also loves to run his nails on the textured walls, it makes noise and that is so entertaining to him!
this is our cuddly little guy snuggled up watching tv on our bed. he doesnt pay much attention to tv but when hes sleepy he lays in our bed like this and just chills. aaron loves catching him when hes in a cuddle mood!! i get to nurse him so i get more time to cuddle, but i love it whenever he'll give it!
this is avenue outside on the lawn. he LOVES being outside. if he is fussy and you walk outside he stops right away! he loves to look around and watch everything going on. he likes the noises too, especially if there are kids playing outside. he wasnt too sure about the grass on his skin at first lol but toward the end of the summer he didnt mind it one bit:)
here is avenue when he was first learning to sit up! lol he sat up for a little bit and then his feet would go in air and he would tip back:) once he got a grip of it tho he never wanted to lay down anymore!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Two Years!!

for our TWO year wedding anniversary we went to the cheese cake factory for a late lunch, it was super yummy and we enjoyed the time together:) thanks aaron for being an amazing husband and dad!
avenue loved the restaurant! he loves new places and getting out!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

a liTtlE abOuT uS....

avenue is 8 1/2 months old!! i can hardly believe it! he started crawling at 7 months when we were in new hampshire visiting my sister kara and her family. he loved all his cousins and wanted to keep up! he had a fun little christmas with lots of presents from grandparents:) he pulls up on everything so we're sure he'll be walking any day now. he loves baths and being in anything that moves; stroller, walker, someones arms. but he does NOT like his car seat... at ALL! aaron and i feel so blessed to have him in our family. we enjoy his sweet little personality so much! he bites, pinches, drools, laughs, and cuddles!!
aaron is in his second year of coaching his brothers traveling hockey team. he absolutely loves it! he still manages to play a few games himself when he gets a chance. in his spare time he owns a web development company called sleek development. this is also a real passion of his and he enjoys working with his good friend j.r. their company is doing really well and things are getting bigger and better everyday!

kady- i am enjoying raising our son during the day! i love being with avenue and couldnt imagine leaving him with anyone else. im very blessed that my husband enables me to stay at home with our son! sometimes tho it gets a little routine and i try to be creative. a couple months ago i dreamed up a little dinner party group and got it all started. its a blast and i love the dinners with my great friends!! i made a blog for it called !! im always looking for new, fun ideas to keep me busy at home!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Blog!!

hey friends and family, we're the dommer family! i hope i will be able to update this often enough to keep everyone filled in on our exciting life together. aaron and i have been married two years on jan 5th and have an amazing son who turns 9 months on the 12th! we live in cedar hills, utah just south of salt lake city. we just had an amazing christmas and look forward to more exciting times with our VERY active son avenue:)